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TERMplus - Main Features

ADD/EDIT Entries

Entering data

Data is entered on the Add/Edit-page which contains three information blocks:
  • definition or explanation of the concept
  • information on the specific entries
  • concept information

  • Several entries and definitions can be entered for each concept. It is, however, not possible to see them all at once. You always see the Danish definition and the Danish entry first. The record selectors can be used to go to the other definitions and entries.

    The Add/Edit-page as shown above cannot be viewed on one screen. PageDown or the scroll bars must be used to see the entire page. If you would like to add a new concept, click on the Add Concept-button. A new concept number is generated and a screen with empty fields is shown. Now it is possible to add information on the new concept.

    If you would like to change or insert new information into a concept already stored in the database, the first step is to find this concept. This is done by clicking on Search. Then a search window is shown where you can search for the entry. The result of this search is a list of entries corresponding to the search. By clicking on one of them, information on context, definition, scope and classification is shown, if this information has been entered into the database. By clicking on the term and then on OK, the concept is shown on the screen, and you can change the selected term.

    Bibliographical Information

    The user can add new sources and classifications (Source and Class) so that they can be selected when filling in these fields on the Add/Edit-page. For instance, the sources are stored in the Bibliographical Information window, where bibliographical information can be added, changed and searched. The figure can be seen below:

    The dialog is opened from the ADD/EDIT-page by clicking the Source button
       © Termplus ApS    Fruebjergvej 3, box 61   DK- 2100 København Ø    Tlf. (+45) 39 17 99 91   Fax (+45) 39 17 99 01    info TERMplus.dk